Auto Insurance


Drive Safe on Slick Roads

Winter weather can present many driving headaches for drivers, slick roadways being one of them. Driving conditions have been less than ideal lately and with several more months of winter ahead of us, we couldn’t think of a [...]

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Winter Tire Ready?

With colder winters approaching and snow in the forecast, it’s important to know the difference between tires and what you’ll need. Wintery conditions can make roads difficult and even dangerous to traverse. In fact, winter driving can be [...]

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Rejected B.C. License Plates

Source: Not that you were asking... but it's funny to see what some people requested for personal B.C. license plates last year. You won't see BLU BYU, SHIRAZ, and HELL NO on a licence plate in B.C., as [...]

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A Lean Clean Speed Machine – Car Cleaning Maintenace

I must start with a tiny disclaimer: I never clean my car. There’s just something that goes against the very core of my nature when it comes to keeping my car clean. I border on compulsive when it comes to [...]

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Protecting your car from sun and heat

Have you ever wondered how much energy you should give to protecting your car from the elements? As the weather heats up, there are a few tricks you can do to help prolong the longevity of your car's [...]

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RV Summer Safety

Do you have an RV or do you plan on renting one this summer? Driving RVs can be a fun way to see the world and spend time with your family. As an RV is bigger and heavier [...]

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Maintaining the Life of Your Tires

Maintaining Tires Did you know, checking your tires on a regular basis is critical and can help you stay safe on the road? If you're anything like me, you may sometimes take your car's health for granted... assuming the [...]

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ICBC Enhanced Care

As you have likely heard, ICBC is shifting into Enhanced Care benefits on May 1, 2021. This means better care for British Columbians and lower premiums. Woohoo! Under enhanced care, lost wages are covered up to $100,000 per [...]

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Getting Trippy this May Long?

May days are here my friends and summer is just around the corner. With clear roads and an extra day tagged on to the weekend, many are breaking free of the winter blues and hitting the open road [...]

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Renting a Vehicle for Business Use?

If your business travel includes renting a vehicle, safety is a necessary consideration. The following provides information about renting a vehicle, safely operating a rental vehicle and what to do in the event of an accident. Basic Rental Procedures [...]

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Jump-Start Your Car in 7 Easy Steps

Although cars are more likely to stall in the cold, your battery can die at any time. Here’s how to jump-start your car in the event of a dead battery.  Before you start, take a moment to read [...]

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Protect the Neck: Proper Headrest Adjustment

Before driving, you likely check your mirrors and position your seat belt. But did you know that taking the time to properly adjust the headrest in your car can help prevent painful neck injuries? According to the Canada Safety [...]

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Preventing Motorcycle Theft

Since motorcycles are easily accessible, they are highly prone to theft. If you like to hit the open road on two wheels, check out these theft prevention tips and avoid thieves stealing your two-wheeled baby. Tips for Thwarting Thieves   When you [...]

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10 Tips to Prevent Auto Theft

Thievery tops my angry list. It’s remarkable how violated, mad, sad (and so on) one feels when robbed. Nobody likes to feel that way. Nobody. Unfortunately, car theft and break-ins are all too commonplace.  Unbeknownst to many, we [...]

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The Sound of Spring: Vrooooommmm

I took a wee road trip this past weekend and noticed several motorhomes, motorcycles and even boats on trailers out and about… it looks as though spring is in full effect. Personally, it’s still a touch chilly for this princess to [...]

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Keep Calm & Drive On

Driving alone can be amazing. Where else can you practice your exceptional singing skills without judgment? Unfortunately, driving alone can also be a little dangerous, especially for women – sigh. I happen to spend a lot of alone time [...]

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Auto Buyer Beware

In the market for a new set of wheels, or, new to you, that is? If so, tread lightly because buyers can be taken for a ride if they are not careful. To avoid purchasing a car with [...]

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Stock Up on Emergency Roadside Essentials

Close your eyes and picture this scenario: You are driving late at night on a country road and your vehicle becomes hard to control. You pull off to the side and notice that you have a flat tire. [...]

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How to React After a Car Accident

I know I’m stating the obvious when I say car accidents are less than ideal. Regardless… Even though there are safer cars, safer roadways and numerous awareness campaigns these days, chances are you’ve seen or experienced a car accident. [...]

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Top 10 Highway Driving Tips

We are all guilty of speeding now and then, but a high percentage of automobile accidents occur on our freeways and high-ways due to the high rates of speed encountered. There are steps you should consider to reduce [...]

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Top tips for teens behind the wheel

The weather is hot, school is out and now your teenager wants to hit the road – in your car. In 2010, more than 49,000 teens got their first B.C. driver’s licence. Once your teen has passed a knowledge [...]

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Tips for buying or selling a vehicle in B.C.

Selling a Vehicle?  Important information to know: ICBC will not accept any forms that have errors, crossing off, or are altered in any way Complete the ‘Sellers’ section of the transfer form.  Be sure to include the vehicle description, [...]

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