Do we really need another reason to complain about the rain?

Written by: Categories: Home Insurance

We are all guilty of it… at one point or another, we’ve complained about the rain. But hey, isn’t that one of our given rights as a BCer. That being said, do we really need to add water damage to the list of our wet-filled complaints?

Our lush surroundings may be gorgeous to look at, but owning a home in one of the wettest provinces can also be cause for some unsettling water damage. The onslaught of rain means that homes are at risk for leaky roofs, blocked gutters, crumbling foundations and flooded basements.

Did you know that over 50% of claims dollars go to water related claims and the average cost of a claim has nearly doubled in the past 5 years! We may not be able to control the weather but there are ways we can lower the risk of water damage to our homes. Here are a few tips to help you out and hopefully keep you claim free: