Remote Work Cyber Security

Written by: Categories: Business Tips, Cyber Liability, Risk Management

The recent significant increase in employees working from home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic brings with it an increased risk of cyber-security threats. Cyber-criminals are well aware that IT departments and cyber-security groups are stretched thin during the pandemic, making them more exposed to attacks. 

In fact, according to a recent survey, one organization saw phishing and cyber-attacks rise by 40%. With 25% of Canadian organizations now going entirely remote and 85% going remote with at least half of their workforce, it’s important to keep cyber-security measures up in this new landscape of increased remote working.

Cyber Security Tips for Employees Working From Home 

Take the following tips into consideration for your remote workforce: 

Remote Work Cyber Security 

Cyber-security is a serious issue for your organization and its employees. As such, you must recognize potential vulnerabilities and take steps to prevent a cyber attack on your workplace. 

For more information on cyber-security and working from home, contact Schill Insurance Brokers Ltd today.