The secret to minimizing stress on the job

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The importance of being challenged in our work lives is probably what people are referring to when they say “a little bit of stress is good for you.” However, when we face overwhelming demands that can’t be met, that “good-for-you” challenge transforms into stress and frustration – and eventually illness or injury. When you neglect to take steps to combat work-related stress, you are risking both job success and your mental and physical health.

Common Sources of Stress

Common job stressors include heavy workloads, pressure to perform, long work hours, travel, office politics and conflicts with coworker(s). Of course, these stressors are compounded by the realities of everyday demands: commutes, family issues, health problems and other factors can add to the stress of the workplace. Our ways of living and communicating are constantly changing, and adapting to these changes are never stress-free.

Know the Signs of Stress

Look out for early symptoms of stress and take steps to relieve them quickly. If you let them go unchecked, these symptoms can develop into more serious health complications such as heart problems, depression and anxiety. Be wary of the following stress symptoms:

Tips to Managing Stress

The good news is that is possible to manage stress that originates in the workplace or life in general by becoming aware of what increases or decreases your level of stress.

Strategies for Employers