Business Insurance


Webinar: Strata Insurance in Today’s Climate

The webinar will act as an educational forum on the current state of the Insurance Industry with respect to Strata. For Property Managers and Strata Councils, this webinar provides a holistic overview of the strata industry in today's [...]

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Cyber Is No. 1 Risk for Businesses in 2023

Cyber incidents topped the list of risks facing businesses around the world in 2023 for the second year in a row, according to Allianz’s 2023 Risk Barometer. In addition to ranking as the number one risk globally, cyber events [...]

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What’s the deal with Business Interruption Insurance?

We're often asked why Business Interruption Insurance? Continuity is critical in business, and there are few things more important than continuous revenue and cash flow, particularly for small to medium-sized organizations. In fact, just one brief business interruption [...]

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Who Pays for Water Damage – The Strata Insurance Policy or the Unit Owners?

When there is damage caused by water within a Strata complex, many ask the question “whose responsibility is it to repair the damage from the water?”  The above has been a lively topic of discussion with Strata Councils, [...]

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Keeping Idle Facilities Safe

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, most businesses and organizations that provide non-essential services have been required to close across Canada. As a result, many buildings and structures will be sitting idle for an unknown period of time. Organizations are [...]

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Benefits of Crime Insurance

While you may think your business would never be the victim of a crime, the harsh reality is that nearly every business can become a victim. In this day and age, criminals (including employees) do not need direct [...]

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Cyber Attacks Up In Canada

In the last year, an alarming majority of Canadian establishments reported falling victim to multiple cyber attacks, according to a recent report by Carbon Black. These breaches are not only incredibly costly to the organizations and encouraging to [...]

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What is Professional Liability

Professional liability—sometimes called Errors and Omissions (E&O) liability—results from errors or omissions in the performance of professional services. *** Sound On***  Insurance (really anything insurance related) is never the highlight of one's day... that being said - It’s a good [...]

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Preparing Employees for Evacution

How would employees escape from your worksite in the event of an emergency? Do they know where all the exit routes are in case their first choice is too crowded? Are they sure doors will be unlocked? Did [...]

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Renting a Vehicle for Business Use?

If your business travel includes renting a vehicle, safety is a necessary consideration. The following provides information about renting a vehicle, safely operating a rental vehicle and what to do in the event of an accident. Basic Rental Procedures [...]

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Management Liability Demystified

Source: Travelers Canada We often field questions regarding types of coverage and their importance. One such coverage we answer a lot of questions about is Directors & Officers Liability coverage. Management liability threats can be mysterious for business leaders in [...]

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Preventing top 4 construction hazards

Preventing the Top 4 Construction Hazards:  You’re good at your job and you love what you do. However, every time you come to work, you risk suffering an injury. The construction site is one of the most hazardous [...]

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Simplifying general liability for contractors

Construction projects are risky in nature, and accidents or other unforeseen events can result in significant losses and liabilities. Contractors routinely to turn to insurance policies to protect themselves against such risk. While businesses know that insurance is a [...]

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Contractors: 5 Types of Construction Fraud

Often people assume construction fraud is perpetrated by dishonest companies against the client, but construction fraud is a two-way street. Meaning, fraud of all kinds is prevalent across every type of construction project and according to BDO Canada, [...]

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5 Exercises to Stay Active at the Office

Sitting in front of a screen all day isn’t a physically stimulating activity, especially if you have meetings, paperwork and deadlines to contend with. However, with a little ingenuity, you can transform some of the time spent at [...]

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The Balancing Act: Work vs Life

5 Tips for a work-life balance According to recent studies, nearly 66% of Canadians put in 45 hours of work each week—50% more people than 20 years ago. Not only are many people putting in more hours – over 1/2 of the [...]

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Keep Your Business Afloat

Floods can sometimes be predictable. For example, charting the habitual swelling of the tides establishes typical water levels and indicates when coastal areas might be prone to flooding. However, more often than not, floods can arise without warning—rivers, [...]

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Fire Safety Tips & Tools for Small Business

Fires are a serious risk for businesses of all types. It’s up to employers, managers and employees to take the proper precautions to keep themselves, their co-workers and the company safe from fire hazards. Not to worry, we [...]

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Risky Business: Personal mobile devices at work

In a recent survey conducted by Harris-Decima for Rogers, almost half of Canadian smartphone owners said they keep their device with them pretty much 24/7. Hmmmm, turns out I’m just another sorrowful statistic! In all fairness, we live in [...]

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Why does it feel like somebody’s watching me?

I consider myself lucky having missed the social online world as a teenager. I thank my lucky stars there was no such thing as Facebook to record my less finer moments of adolescence. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE all [...]

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The secret to minimizing stress on the job

The importance of being challenged in our work lives is probably what people are referring to when they say “a little bit of stress is good for you.” However, when we face overwhelming demands that can’t be met, [...]

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