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Michelle Meerse


Insuring Wine: Is it Necessary?

When it comes to insuring wine, policies often include unique features that set them apart from traditional plans. These features are specifically designed to cater to the needs and preferences of high-value homeowners and serious collectors. Real Claims Story During [...]

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Spring Home Maintenance Tips

As the winter frost thaws and the days grow longer, spring emerges as the perfect time to breathe new life into your home. While many associate spring cleaning solely with decluttering and dusting, it's also an ideal opportunity [...]

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Webinar: Strata Insurance in Today’s Climate

The webinar will act as an educational forum on the current state of the Insurance Industry with respect to Strata. For Property Managers and Strata Councils, this webinar provides a holistic overview of the strata industry in today's [...]

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How Many Bullies do you Work With?

Workplace bullying is more common than we think. Thankfully, real life doesn’t really mirror high school flicks, but, and this is a big BUT, It turns out bullying follows us straight into adulthood – it’s just a little less [...]

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People are encouraged to prepare for storms, heavy rain

Source: BC Government News People living on the South Coast are encouraged to prepare for a series of rainstorms starting Saturday, Jan. 27 and extending to Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024. During the five days, Environment and Climate Change Canada is [...]

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Drive Safe on Slick Roads

Winter weather can present many driving headaches for drivers, slick roadways being one of them. Driving conditions have been less than ideal lately and with several more months of winter ahead of us, we couldn’t think of a [...]

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De-icing Outdoor Walking Surfaces

Keeping outdoor walking surfaces—such as parking lots and sidewalks—clear of ice (de-icing) in the winter is crucial practice, both at the workplace and at home. Not only does ice removal offer aesthetic benefits, but it can also help [...]

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Winter Tire Ready?

With colder winters approaching and snow in the forecast, it’s important to know the difference between tires and what you’ll need. Wintery conditions can make roads difficult and even dangerous to traverse. In fact, winter driving can be [...]

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Winter-Ready Tread? Check It With the Dime Test

Don’t let a set of worn tires endanger your family. Check tread depth and look for other abnormalities or wear and tear so you can replace your tires before they become a problem in the cold months ahead. A [...]

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Why Passwords Should Be Top-of-Mind

Who runs your world? Passwords... Did you know the average Internet user has 25 accounts to maintain? Despite this, people only use an average of 6.5 different passwords to protect them, according to a Microsoft study. With identity [...]

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