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The Blog

Our monthly newsletter is chockfull of useful info and tips.

Are you prepared for extreme heat?


Oh boy... the heat is back with a vengeance in BC. With heat warnings issued for many parts of BC, it is important to take precautions. In extreme heat and high humidity, evaporation is slowed and [...]

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What’s the deal with Business Interruption Insurance?


We're often asked why Business Interruption Insurance? Continuity is critical in business, and there are few things more important than continuous revenue and cash flow, particularly for small to medium-sized organizations. In fact, just one brief business interruption [...]

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time


We’ve all mumbled the words, “It seemed like a good idea at the time”? I tend to mumble them a lot more often in the warmer months. It stems from my infatuation with summer… I’m smitten with her – I [...]

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Protecting your car from sun and heat


Have you ever wondered how much energy you should give to protecting your car from the elements? As the weather heats up, there are a few tricks you can do to help prolong the longevity of your car's [...]

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Simple Steps to Keep Summer Burglaries at Bay


June is in full swing and we know what that means, time to plan those summer holidays. Yay! Whether you plan on staying close to home or travelling abroad, we have some excellent no-fail tips to keep burglaries [...]

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RV Summer Safety


Do you have an RV or do you plan on renting one this summer? Driving RVs can be a fun way to see the world and spend time with your family. As an RV is bigger and heavier [...]

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May is Motorcycle Awareness Month


Spring is in the air! The birds are chirping, the sun is shining (occasionally), and the roads are calling. With warmer weather, more motorcyclists are pulling their bikes out of storage and joining our commutes and drives. [...]

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Maintaining the Life of Your Tires


Maintaining Tires Did you know, checking your tires on a regular basis is critical and can help you stay safe on the road? If you're anything like me, you may sometimes take your car's health for granted... assuming the [...]

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What to do if you live in an area prone to flooding or sewer backups


INSIDE YOUR HOME • Move valuable items from the basement to the upper floors. • Use water-resistant building materials below ground level. • Install a sump pump. • Install backwater valves or plugs for drains, toilets and other sewer connections. • Raise large [...]

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Have a Spooky, Safe Halloween


Celebrate Safely Do you remember how much fun it was to get dressed up as your favourite action hero, cartoon character or princess and go door to door for Halloween treats? Well, your children can now experience that same [...]

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