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Insuring Wine: Is it Necessary?

When it comes to insuring wine, policies often include unique features that set them apart from traditional plans. These features are specifically designed to cater to the needs and preferences of high-value homeowners and serious collectors. Real Claims Story During [...]

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Spring Home Maintenance Tips

As the winter frost thaws and the days grow longer, spring emerges as the perfect time to breathe new life into your home. While many associate spring cleaning solely with decluttering and dusting, it's also an ideal opportunity [...]

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Webinar: Strata Insurance in Today’s Climate

The webinar will act as an educational forum on the current state of the Insurance Industry with respect to Strata. For Property Managers and Strata Councils, this webinar provides a holistic overview of the strata industry in today's [...]

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How Many Bullies do you Work With?

Workplace bullying is more common than we think. Thankfully, real life doesn’t really mirror high school flicks, but, and this is a big BUT, It turns out bullying follows us straight into adulthood – it’s just a little less [...]

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People are encouraged to prepare for storms, heavy rain

Source: BC Government News People living on the South Coast are encouraged to prepare for a series of rainstorms starting Saturday, Jan. 27 and extending to Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024. During the five days, Environment and Climate Change Canada is [...]

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Drive Safe on Slick Roads

Winter weather can present many driving headaches for drivers, slick roadways being one of them. Driving conditions have been less than ideal lately and with several more months of winter ahead of us, we couldn’t think of a [...]

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De-icing Outdoor Walking Surfaces

Keeping outdoor walking surfaces—such as parking lots and sidewalks—clear of ice (de-icing) in the winter is crucial practice, both at the workplace and at home. Not only does ice removal offer aesthetic benefits, but it can also help [...]

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Winter Tire Ready?

With colder winters approaching and snow in the forecast, it’s important to know the difference between tires and what you’ll need. Wintery conditions can make roads difficult and even dangerous to traverse. In fact, winter driving can be [...]

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Winter-Ready Tread? Check It With the Dime Test

Don’t let a set of worn tires endanger your family. Check tread depth and look for other abnormalities or wear and tear so you can replace your tires before they become a problem in the cold months ahead. A [...]

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Why Passwords Should Be Top-of-Mind

Who runs your world? Passwords... Did you know the average Internet user has 25 accounts to maintain? Despite this, people only use an average of 6.5 different passwords to protect them, according to a Microsoft study. With identity [...]

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Cyber Is No. 1 Risk for Businesses in 2023

Cyber incidents topped the list of risks facing businesses around the world in 2023 for the second year in a row, according to Allianz’s 2023 Risk Barometer. In addition to ranking as the number one risk globally, cyber events [...]

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What to do Before, After & During an Earthquake

It wasn't that long ago grocery stores ran out of food when the pandemic hit, and there seemed to be a rush of insanity throughout the greater Vancouver area. To be honest, there wasn't a need for it [...]

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Protect Your Home From Wildfires

As devastating wildfires continue to pose a significant threat to communities in many parts of Canada, it has become increasingly crucial to take proactive measures to protect our homes and loved ones. If you live in a wildfire-prone [...]

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The Cloverdale Rodeo 2023 Parade and Road Closures

The Cloverdale Rodeo is back for 2023! Lucky us, our Cloverdale branch will have front-row seats to the 44th Annual Bed Races and Annual Rodeo Parade on May 18 and May 20. We are open both [...]

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Emergency Preparedness Week: Essential Tips to Keep Your Family Safe

It's Emergency Preparedness Week, and if you're anything like me, sometimes a little refresher is in order. The theme: be prepared, know your risks. In the face of unexpected emergencies, being prepared can make all the difference. Join [...]

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Rejected B.C. License Plates

Source: Not that you were asking... but it's funny to see what some people requested for personal B.C. license plates last year. You won't see BLU BYU, SHIRAZ, and HELL NO on a licence plate in B.C., as [...]

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Spring Cleaning Checklist

It's Spring cleaning time! Spring cleaning can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be! Here are some tips to help make your spring cleaning a breeze. Make a plan  Before you start cleaning, make a plan of [...]

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Spring Cleaning: HVAC Filters

In the spirit of spring cleaning? When was the last time you replaced your HVAC filters? Often overlooked, your home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system should be a priority. Your HVAC system keeps the air [...]

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A Lean Clean Speed Machine – Car Cleaning Maintenace

I must start with a tiny disclaimer: I never clean my car. There’s just something that goes against the very core of my nature when it comes to keeping my car clean. I border on compulsive when it comes to [...]

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Easy Green Living Tips for Your Home

It turns out, it’s actually pretty easy being green… not only can being green help you save money, but adopting eco-friendly practices can help you positively contribute to the natural world by reducing waste, conserving energy and lowering [...]

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Valentine’s Day and Insurance = love and happiness

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend - but my insurance broker comes in a close second ;-) I feel as though this may need a little clarification. Many moons ago, prior to having any knowledge of [...]

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Reviewing Your Term Life Insurance Could Save you Money

What is Term Life Insurance? Term life insurance provides life insurance protection for a pre-determined length of time. The most common term lengths are ten years, twenty years, or until age sixty-five. During the term, rates and coverage are [...]

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Chilling Your Winter Utility Bills

Baby, it's cold outside. On the plus side - great weather for cuddling on the couch... on the other hand, colder weather often brings higher energy bills for homeowners. With colder, darker days and more time spent inside [...]

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Don’t Rain On My Parade

I’m not overly superstitious, nor do I label myself a gambling gal, but I am fearful of using the “R” word. You know, rain. I have this odd feeling that if I say it out loud, I will [...]

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BC Government changes to calculating PST on private vehicle sales

Effective October 1st, 2022- Private Sale taxation is changing The provincial government announced changes to how the PST will be calculated on motor vehicles purchased through private sales. ICBC and brokers are required to enforce some changes to [...]

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Insurance Business Canada Features Schill

Source: View the original article here on the Insurance Business Canada Website This article was produced in partnership with Intact Insurance. Bethan Moorcraft, of Insurance Business, sat down with Al Schill, president of Schill Insurance, and Jeremy Green, regional vice president, British [...]

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Fall Priority: Home Maintenance Checklist

Easy peasy tips to maintain the life of your home Holy Hannah, I cannot believe Fall is already here.  With the shorter days and cooler weather comes a little home prep to keep you claims-free and extend the life [...]

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Is your car ready for fall driving?

Another September is upon us. Many are gearing up for sweater weather but did you know fall is arguably the most important season for vehicle maintenance? Before the season’s brisk, windy weather and shorter days arise, [...]

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Insurance tips when buying a home

We all know buying a home is an exciting time, but it’s also stressful and hectic and can mean overlooking things like insurance. Be sure to include insurance as one of your subjects when writing an offer. Overlooking this [...]

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6 Tips to Prevent Road Rage

I'm not proud of it, but I'll be the first to admit it... I've succumbed to anger when driving. I'm only human! However, road rage often results in aggressive driving manoeuvres such as speeding, running red lights, weaving [...]

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Are you prepared for extreme heat?

Oh boy... the heat is back with a vengeance in BC. With heat warnings issued for many parts of BC, it is important to take precautions. In extreme heat and high humidity, evaporation is slowed and [...]

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What’s the deal with Business Interruption Insurance?

We're often asked why Business Interruption Insurance? Continuity is critical in business, and there are few things more important than continuous revenue and cash flow, particularly for small to medium-sized organizations. In fact, just one brief business interruption [...]

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

We’ve all mumbled the words, “It seemed like a good idea at the time”? I tend to mumble them a lot more often in the warmer months. It stems from my infatuation with summer… I’m smitten with her – I [...]

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Protecting your car from sun and heat

Have you ever wondered how much energy you should give to protecting your car from the elements? As the weather heats up, there are a few tricks you can do to help prolong the longevity of your car's [...]

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Simple Steps to Keep Summer Burglaries at Bay

June is in full swing and we know what that means, time to plan those summer holidays. Yay! Whether you plan on staying close to home or travelling abroad, we have some excellent no-fail tips to keep burglaries [...]

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RV Summer Safety

Do you have an RV or do you plan on renting one this summer? Driving RVs can be a fun way to see the world and spend time with your family. As an RV is bigger and heavier [...]

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May is Motorcycle Awareness Month

Spring is in the air! The birds are chirping, the sun is shining (occasionally), and the roads are calling. With warmer weather, more motorcyclists are pulling their bikes out of storage and joining our commutes and drives. [...]

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Maintaining the Life of Your Tires

Maintaining Tires Did you know, checking your tires on a regular basis is critical and can help you stay safe on the road? If you're anything like me, you may sometimes take your car's health for granted... assuming the [...]

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What to do if you live in an area prone to flooding or sewer backups

INSIDE YOUR HOME • Move valuable items from the basement to the upper floors. • Use water-resistant building materials below ground level. • Install a sump pump. • Install backwater valves or plugs for drains, toilets and other sewer connections. • Raise large [...]

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Have a Spooky, Safe Halloween

Celebrate Safely Do you remember how much fun it was to get dressed up as your favourite action hero, cartoon character or princess and go door to door for Halloween treats? Well, your children can now experience that same [...]

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5 Meeting Time-Wasters

Meetings – sometimes amazing, sometimes painful, yet an inevitable component of any workplace. Not only are they a primary method for employees to interface and discuss ongoing projects, but they can also encourage team building. Despite their inevitability, meetings can [...]

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Tips for Virtual Meetings

It’s been a nutty year. The COVID-19 pandemic that forced many organizations to transition from in-person to virtual has turned online video meetings into an all too common chore for many. To keep employees from tuning out during [...]

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ICBC Enhanced Care

As you have likely heard, ICBC is shifting into Enhanced Care benefits on May 1, 2021. This means better care for British Columbians and lower premiums. Woohoo! Under enhanced care, lost wages are covered up to $100,000 per [...]

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Insuring your valuables

Your valuables are important to you—and insuring them could be the difference between momentary sadness and total heartbreak - pardon the drama... but if you've ever lost a diamond ring, you get it. The Basics Standard homeowners, condominium, or renters [...]

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Build a Roadside Emergency kit

At the risk of sounding cliche, one thing I've learned is it pays to be prepared. It only takes being stranded on the Coquihalla Highway one time to fully realize that. If your vehicle is equipped with [...]

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Winter Home Maintenace Tips

It's that time again... winter is coming. And, well, with a little more time on our hands these days, what not a better time to complete a few simple household tasks to keep our homes cozy and [...]

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Practical lesson from my idiot brother

Let’s just say that growing up with two older brothers exposed me to a lot of stuff. Mostly, I take the high road and choose not to talk about what I’ve seen (and perhaps participated in) as a curious, [...]

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10 Common Life Insurance Myths

Life insurance. Just the term itself can put people on edge. People might think they are wasting time and money if they sign up for life insurance when they don't consider it necessary. Generally speaking, life insurance is [...]

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Pssst… Parents With a Teen – This is a Must: Parent-Teen Driving Contract

Have your wee ones hit the landmark age of driving? Are you freaking out a little?  Well, it's safe to say you're not overreacting... teens between the ages of 16 and 19 years are more likely to be injured or [...]

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Who Pays for Water Damage – The Strata Insurance Policy or the Unit Owners?

When there is damage caused by water within a Strata complex, many ask the question “whose responsibility is it to repair the damage from the water?”  The above has been a lively topic of discussion with Strata Councils, [...]

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Are your locations open to the public? You betcha. All our offices are open and we are happy to help. We are back to our regular hours of operation. For a list of operating hours by branch, click [...]

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Remote Work Cyber Security

The recent significant increase in employees working from home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic brings with it an increased risk of cyber-security threats. Cyber-criminals are well aware that IT departments and cyber-security groups are stretched thin [...]

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Engaging Remote Employees During COVID-19

 The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused unprecedented changes for many industries. As social distancing is encouraged and some provinces issue stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders for all non-essential employees, many employers are asking their employees to work [...]

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Keeping Idle Facilities Safe

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, most businesses and organizations that provide non-essential services have been required to close across Canada. As a result, many buildings and structures will be sitting idle for an unknown period of time. Organizations are [...]

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Benefits of Crime Insurance

While you may think your business would never be the victim of a crime, the harsh reality is that nearly every business can become a victim. In this day and age, criminals (including employees) do not need direct [...]

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Homeowners or Tenant Insurance for Students

Do you have a child going off to university? Your university student’s most prized gear—laptop, iPhone and other electronic devices—are also most prized by thieves. There are many misconceptions about tenant's insurance including lack of personal items and [...]

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Keeping your home safe while you’re away

Who doesn't love a fun little holiday? Planning a trip with the family can be exhausting... from planning on what to bring, the route, where to stay, there's a lot to do. Often, when preparing to leave [...]

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Getting Trippy this May Long?

May days are here my friends and summer is just around the corner. With clear roads and an extra day tagged on to the weekend, many are breaking free of the winter blues and hitting the open road [...]

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Cyber Attacks Up In Canada

In the last year, an alarming majority of Canadian establishments reported falling victim to multiple cyber attacks, according to a recent report by Carbon Black. These breaches are not only incredibly costly to the organizations and encouraging to [...]

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The Cliff’s Notes of Life Insurance

Life insurance is not something many like to think about... but if you have dependents who rely on you for financial support, then life insurance is really about protecting them in case something happens to you. We have a [...]

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What is Professional Liability

Professional liability—sometimes called Errors and Omissions (E&O) liability—results from errors or omissions in the performance of professional services. *** Sound On***  Insurance (really anything insurance related) is never the highlight of one's day... that being said - It’s a good [...]

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Food drive: help us stuff-a-bus

Every little bit counts   Each month, over 307,000 Canadian children turn to food banks in Canada for help. School breakfast, lunch and after school programs provide much needed support, but where do those children go in July and August? Help [...]

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Moving? Check out this amazing checklist

Are you moving or purchasing a new property? We have a checklist for that -  download it here → SI Moving Checklist. → Did you know that most home insurance policies cover your belongings, both in your old and new home for a period [...]

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Preparing Employees for Evacution

How would employees escape from your worksite in the event of an emergency? Do they know where all the exit routes are in case their first choice is too crowded? Are they sure doors will be unlocked? Did [...]

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Renting a Vehicle for Business Use?

If your business travel includes renting a vehicle, safety is a necessary consideration. The following provides information about renting a vehicle, safely operating a rental vehicle and what to do in the event of an accident. Basic Rental Procedures [...]

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Fighting Fatigue. No Yawning!

I had a professor in university that took offence if a student yawned in his class and would call him or her out with an, “AM I BORING YOU?” yell. I always thought him a bit much – [...]

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Turning off Snapchat “Snap Map”

Did You Know? Snapchat is one of the top five social media platforms among young people, with approximately 150 million daily active users. While Snapchat is designed to be a fun photo, video and text messaging app, a number [...]

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Top 10 Threats to Small Business

Optimism is the fuel that drives the entrepreneurial spirit, so it isn’t surprising that most small business owners consider themselves optimists. Too much optimism, however, can get a small business owner into trouble. A business plan built solely [...]

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Risky Business: Personal Mobile Devices at Work

In a recent survey conducted by Harris-Decima for Rogers, almost half of Canadian smartphone owners said they keep their device with them pretty much 24/7. Hmmmm, turns out I’m just another sorrowful statistic! In all fairness, we live in [...]

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Fire Safety Tips & Tools for Small Business

Fires are a serious risk for businesses of all types. It’s up to employers, managers and employees to take the proper precautions to keep themselves, their co-workers and the company safe from fire hazards. Not to worry, we [...]

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Keep Your Business Afloat

The fickle nature of Canadian weather only exacerbates the unpredictability of floods, and with so many areas susceptible to flooding, one unexpected severe storm can trigger widespread, damaging floods. Ignoring the issue of possible flooding can sink your business. [...]

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The Balancing Act: Work vs Life

According to recent studies, nearly 66% of Canadians put in 45 hours of work each week—50% more people than 20 years ago. Not only are many people putting in more hours – over 1/2 of the 25,000 Canadians who responded [...]

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From Bad to Worse SHARE:

The majority of us like to think we could handle the stress of a disaster – that we’d keep our cool should something happen. Unfortunately, the reality is without practicing safety drills on a regular basis – panic [...]

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Running a Business? Don’t be a Wile E.

All of us have a soft spot for Wile E. Coyote – I mean he tries and he tries and we sympathize, we do – but he’s not a character most of us want to emulate. On the flip [...]

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You’re Only as Good as Your Plan B

When I started in insurance, I discovered how important the old saying, “You’re only as good as your Plan B”, really is. A well thought out practical plan can mean the difference between coping with a disaster and [...]

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7 Tips for a Healthier Workstation

It turns out work really is a pain in the butt; as someone that spends a great deal of time sitting in front of a computer screen, I can attest. I came across some tips that may just save [...]

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Tips to Prevent Workplace Theft

According to Statistics Canada , 15% of all company fraud can be attributed to employees. Small businesses have it tough as they often lack the resources to implement control systems, and with limited staff accounting duties are not segregated. Albeit, [...]

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What You Don’t Know Could Cost You

Employment practices liability claims can affect any size company. Wrongful termination, discrimination and harassment are just a few of the claims employees file against their employers. The litigation toll can be high, resulting in costly payouts, tension and [...]

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5 Exercises to Stay Active at the Office

Sitting in front of a screen all day isn’t a physically stimulating activity, especially if you have meetings, paperwork and deadlines to contend with. However, with a little ingenuity, you can transform some of the time spent at [...]

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Management Liability Demystified

Source: Travelers Canada We often field questions regarding types of coverage and their importance. One such coverage we answer a lot of questions about is Directors & Officers Liability coverage. Management liability threats can be mysterious for business leaders in [...]

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Preventing top 4 construction hazards

Preventing the Top 4 Construction Hazards:  You’re good at your job and you love what you do. However, every time you come to work, you risk suffering an injury. The construction site is one of the most hazardous [...]

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How the CPP will Impact Businesses

On June 20, 2016, the federal government and the majority of Canadian provinces reached an agreement in principle regarding changes to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). The changes will be phased in over the course of seven years, [...]

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The Why & How: Exit Interviews

What is an Exit Interview?   Exit interviews are conducted by Human Resources when an employee is leaving the company. Some employers limit these interviews to employees who are resigning or retiring voluntarily, but some will conduct them for terminated [...]

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Canada Remains Tax Competitive for Businesses

According to KPMG’s recent report titled Focus on Tax, Canada remains the most tax-competitive country for businesses. The report, which assessed the tax competitiveness of 111 cities across 10 countries, ranked Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal in the top [...]

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Taking out a Business Loan

There are a number of things to take into consideration before taking out a business loan. While business loans are a great way to grow your business, they should not be taken lightly. To avoid damaging your finances or [...]

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Total Cost of Risk. Why You Should Care

More than just a broker   When business owners think of insurance, most they think of the policy they have in place, a premium they pay for, and the peace of mind that if there is an insured loss there is [...]

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Are You Prepared If Disaster Strikes?

From fires to floods, earthquakes to hurricanes, disaster can strike anytime, anywhere, and often with little to no advance warning. According to the Insurance Information Institute, as many as 40 per cent of businesses forced to suspend operations [...]

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The State of Cyber Security in Canada

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Fortune 500 company or a sole proprietorship, in today’s hyper connected business climate, cyber attacks are no longer a question of if, but when. This is especially true in Canada, which remains one [...]

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Cyber attacks are coming to town

You better watch out, you better not cry, cyber attacks are coming to town Sadly, anybody that uses a computer is at risk of a various forms of cyber attacks.  DUN-DUN-DUNNNNN!  A friend of mine was recently a victim [...]

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Simplifying general liability for contractors

Construction projects are risky in nature, and accidents or other unforeseen events can result in significant losses and liabilities. Contractors routinely to turn to insurance policies to protect themselves against such risk. While businesses know that insurance is a [...]

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Cyber Insurance and Your Business. What is your Exposure?

“Cyber attack” is a relatively new term for many of us, except for the unfortunate few who have already been the victim of one. Simply put, a cyber attack is an attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a [...]

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Contractors: 5 Types of Construction Fraud

Often people assume construction fraud is perpetrated by dishonest companies against the client, but construction fraud is a two-way street. Meaning, fraud of all kinds is prevalent across every type of construction project and according to BDO Canada, [...]

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Bug off: Knowing your bug bites and stings

Bug season is back baby! Do you know the difference between the most common bug bites and what to do if you get one? I was once bit by a tick. True story. I pulled the ugly thing out [...]

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Good to Know: HVAC Filter Upkeep

If you’re anything like me, little household chores may slip your mind. No. Judgement. Here. Your home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system maintains the air quality of your home. However, your HVAC system will only work [...]

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How Prepared Are You for the Big One?

I’m not sure what brought on the sudden onslaught of Seismic activity in BC, but holy moly – three in a week! If you’re anything like me, you’re suddenly a little more concerned about how prepared you are if the [...]

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Where there’s smoke…

With Lover’s Day just around the corner, I’m reminded on cozying up by the fire, enjoying a delicious glass of wine, perhaps nibbling on chocolate from a heart shaped box.  However, seeing as I work in the insurance [...]

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Why I show love to my Broker on Valentine’s Day

They say the most valuable lessons are learnt the hard way; which, in my opinion, stinks.  So, I’d like to share a brief story with you in hopes it helps someone the pain of learning the “hard way”. Several years [...]

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Jump-Start Your Car in 7 Easy Steps

Although cars are more likely to stall in the cold, your battery can die at any time. Here’s how to jump-start your car in the event of a dead battery.  Before you start, take a moment to read [...]

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Home Inventory Checklist

Two weeks after I got married my house was robbed. I was out of town for the weekend and they literally cleaned house. The icing on the cake… many of the beautiful wedding gifts I had just received weren’t even [...]

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School Bus Safety

Oh mylanta – where did our summer go? It’s back-to-school time and that, my friends, means it’s time to talk to your kids about riding the bus safely. Perhaps not the most exciting or desired, but still important. The [...]

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Clothes Dryer Safety

In a sad turn of events, a friend of mine recently lost her home to a fire that started from her dryer. Yes, her family had insurance, but the aftermath was awful. Watching her family of four being [...]

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Drive Safe on Wet Roads

Compared to last year’s summer we’ve had a lot more rain. The increased rain is great for the environment but not so much those of us on the road. During rainstorms, low visibility and slick roads can create hazardous [...]

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Moving & Home Insurance: Your Complete Checklist

Have you made the plunge and opted to move? As someone who has moved nearly every year for the past 4 years, I can attest moving is not only time consuming but is extremely stressful. As chance has [...]

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Protect the Neck: Proper Headrest Adjustment

Before driving, you likely check your mirrors and position your seat belt. But did you know that taking the time to properly adjust the headrest in your car can help prevent painful neck injuries? According to the Canada Safety [...]

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5 Exercises to Stay Active at the Office

Sitting in front of a screen all day isn’t a physically stimulating activity, especially if you have meetings, paperwork and deadlines to contend with. However, with a little ingenuity, you can transform some of the time spent at [...]

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Preventing Motorcycle Theft

Since motorcycles are easily accessible, they are highly prone to theft. If you like to hit the open road on two wheels, check out these theft prevention tips and avoid thieves stealing your two-wheeled baby. Tips for Thwarting Thieves   When you [...]

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A Clarity of Purpose – Insurance Broker Profile

Insurance Broker Profile – We had the privilege of being featured in Insurance People Magazine last month… not a bad little write-up about who we are and where we came from 🙂 A Clarity of Purpose By John Lekich Al Schill [...]

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Disaster Planning for Seniors

The recent earthquake in December caused quite a stir, with many running out to buy emergency kits for the home. It was scary but thankfully not disastrous. However, it did highlight that preparedness is half the battle. The likelihood that [...]

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World’s Best Guide to Earthquake Prep

Are You Prepared? Egad! The recent windstorm we had really shook us up (no pun intended). As restaurants and grocery stores ran out of food and people fared without power for days, there seemed to be a rush of insanity [...]

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7 Tips for a Healthier Workstation

Tips to Save Your Butt Estimates suggest that musculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain, arm strains and diseases of the joints cost Canadians upwards of $20 billion per year. Poor workplace ergonomics is a common cause of these disorders.   It turns [...]

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Double Up on your Money and Energy Savings

According to Statistics Canada, the typical Canadian family spends over $1,600 a year on home utility bills, and a large portion of that energy is wasted. Not to fear: there are several things you can do each month [...]

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The Brain Game

So, I forgot why I walked into a room the other day. I know there was a reason but I still can’t recall what it was! I have officially become my mother – that, and I’m aging 😮 The brain, [...]

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10 Places most likely get food poisoning – why travel insurance is a must

A recent study just came out about the 10 places where travellers are most likely to get food poisoning. No one wants a traveller’s tummy, but it’s good to know that you’re covered by travel medical insurance if [...]

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Nipping allergies in the bud

Whoa, Nelly… what is going on with seasonal allergies. An increasing number of people I know have recently started suffering from allergies, myself included.  Unfortunately, it turns out, the sudden onslaught of allergies throughout one’s life is common. [...]

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10 Tips to Prevent Auto Theft

Thievery tops my angry list. It’s remarkable how violated, mad, sad (and so on) one feels when robbed. Nobody likes to feel that way. Nobody. Unfortunately, car theft and break-ins are all too commonplace.  Unbeknownst to many, we [...]

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Scam Alert

Intact Insurance – one of our Insurance providers – has recently been informed that a few customers have been fraudulently contacted by someone identifying themselves as an Intact Insurance employee looking for credit card information. The person calling [...]

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The Balancing Act: Work vs Life

5 Tips for a work-life balance According to recent studies, nearly 66% of Canadians put in 45 hours of work each week—50% more people than 20 years ago. Not only are many people putting in more hours – over 1/2 of the [...]

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The Sound of Spring: Vrooooommmm

I took a wee road trip this past weekend and noticed several motorhomes, motorcycles and even boats on trailers out and about… it looks as though spring is in full effect. Personally, it’s still a touch chilly for this princess to [...]

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Super Foods for Super Health

From retaining strength to reducing wrinkles, the foods you eat can positively impact your long-term health. Consider incorporating the following superfoods into your diet to support super health. They happen to be super tasty too! Avoid full-fat dairy and lots [...]

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Fall/Winter Maintenance Checklist

I love winter, there’s something very romantic about it. However, nothing kills romance like a water leak. Keep the romance alive by ensuring your home maintenance is up-to-date and nothing awful happens while you’re cozying up by the [...]

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Keep Your Business Afloat

Floods can sometimes be predictable. For example, charting the habitual swelling of the tides establishes typical water levels and indicates when coastal areas might be prone to flooding. However, more often than not, floods can arise without warning—rivers, [...]

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Keep Calm & Drive On

Driving alone can be amazing. Where else can you practice your exceptional singing skills without judgment? Unfortunately, driving alone can also be a little dangerous, especially for women – sigh. I happen to spend a lot of alone time [...]

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Fire Safety Tips & Tools for Small Business

Fires are a serious risk for businesses of all types. It’s up to employers, managers and employees to take the proper precautions to keep themselves, their co-workers and the company safe from fire hazards. Not to worry, we [...]

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Hey Kermit, It turns out being green is easy.

The iconic Kermit may have found being green a little hard, but there are a few simple things you can do around the home in taking a “green” approach to living. It turns out being green can be [...]

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Kids’ Biking Safety

It’s almost back to school time. Make sure your kids know the-ins-and-outs of biking safety, especially if it is the way they get to and from school. If nothing else, a refresher never hurts. It’s almost back to [...]

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Auto Buyer Beware

In the market for a new set of wheels, or, new to you, that is? If so, tread lightly because buyers can be taken for a ride if they are not careful. To avoid purchasing a car with [...]

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Boating Season is Here: Are You Fully Prepared?

Awww yes, the sweet swell of the ocean, the wind at your back and the glorious feeling of being on the water. Summer is in full swing and boating season is here! Before launching out to sea, check out [...]

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Death by Bicycle: 10 Ways it Could Happen

So it turns out it riding a bike can be pretty dangerous. While death may be a tad dramatic, it is pretty common to be injured when cycling. In fact, according to Statistics Canada, around 7,500 cyclists are [...]

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Renting Your Home? What You Need To Know…

Fantastic… you’re considering renting out your home for a little extra moola while away for an extended period of time or for a big event nearby that’s causing the demand for lodging. Kudos to you and that money-making [...]

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Stock Up on Emergency Roadside Essentials

Close your eyes and picture this scenario: You are driving late at night on a country road and your vehicle becomes hard to control. You pull off to the side and notice that you have a flat tire. [...]

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All Awash With Love

I love my washing machine. A lot. I didn’t realize how deep my love ran for this amazing little appliance until I spent a four-month stint in Toronto in a beautiful apartment sans a washing machine. Not ideal. Just four months [...]

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Using Technology During A Disaster

We rely on technology more and more to keep in touch with our family, friends, and colleagues with a click of a button. But what happens in the event of a major emergency? Suddenly these tools can become [...]

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How to React After a Car Accident

I know I’m stating the obvious when I say car accidents are less than ideal. Regardless… Even though there are safer cars, safer roadways and numerous awareness campaigns these days, chances are you’ve seen or experienced a car accident. [...]

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What My Near-Death Experience Can Teach You

In my early twenties I had the pleasure of renting a home with 2 of my best buds. We had a lotof fun in that house. In what should be a general blur in my memory bank (like I [...]

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Holy Smokes – Is Your Smoke Alarm Working?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve known of the importance of smoke alarms and how having one can save our lives and our family. I also know how annoying a smoke alarm can be when the batteries [...]

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Puppy Love – Pet Emergency Preparation

In my early teens, my mom bought a cat that she absolutely adored. In fact, I had a sneaking suspicion she loved that cat more than me. Perhaps my first clue was her lack of sympathy for my [...]

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Risky Business: Personal mobile devices at work

In a recent survey conducted by Harris-Decima for Rogers, almost half of Canadian smartphone owners said they keep their device with them pretty much 24/7. Hmmmm, turns out I’m just another sorrowful statistic! In all fairness, we live in [...]

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It’s time to talk

I’m not sure if it is pure coincidence, the company I keep, or my age bracket, but a few of my friends have recently bought homes with mortgage-helper renter suites. My friends had no problem renting the suites, but [...]

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I Wish I knew Then What I Know Now!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a firm believer we learn from our mistakes. I like that with age, comes wisdom (for the most part) and I rarely look upon my experiences with regret. How else would I know [...]

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Top 10 Reasons to Give to a Charity

While the concept that giving to others can make you feel good about yourself is not revolutionary, there are several more subtle ways that giving to a cause can benefit your psychological, spiritual and emotional well-being. We’ve all [...]

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Fireplace Safety

As winter approaches many of you will light up those fireplaces and wood stoves that have been dormant all summer. Keep these tips in mind while you burn this winter. Be sure fireplaces and stoves are installed correctly. Wood [...]

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Fire Myths Debunked

Do you REALLY know fire? Be aware of fire facts, myths and realities to protect the ones you love.   It won’t happen to me Reality: Everyone is at risk! According to Fire Prevention Canada, fires claim the lives of eight Canadians every week. Myth: [...]

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Why does it feel like somebody’s watching me?

I consider myself lucky having missed the social online world as a teenager. I thank my lucky stars there was no such thing as Facebook to record my less finer moments of adolescence. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE all [...]

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Top Tips to Avoid the Debt Trap

Several years ago I found myself reading a silly little novel Confessions of a Shopaholic [bang head on wall]. Clearly, this is time out of my life I’ll never get back, but I didn’t bring this up to make you [...]

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The secret to minimizing stress on the job

The importance of being challenged in our work lives is probably what people are referring to when they say “a little bit of stress is good for you.” However, when we face overwhelming demands that can’t be met, [...]

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Want to Live Longer & Feel Better?

Although there are no sure-fire recipes for good health, the mixture of healthy eating and regular exercise comes awfully close. Singing the praises of a good diet is a key part to good overall health. However, this article [...]

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Protecting your skin this summer

Ya, ya, we’ve all heard the best way to prevent a sunburn is to avoid sun exposure but, COME ON, how realistic is this advice? Like a siren call, that magical ball in the sky screams for us to [...]

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Do we really need another reason to complain about the rain?

We are all guilty of it… at one point or another, we’ve complained about the rain. But hey, isn’t that one of our given rights as a BCer. That being said, do we really need to add water [...]

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What Netflix Can Teach You About Emergency Preparation

I admit, I may have hijacked this article to relay my love of Netflix (just a little – I mean, there is something to be said for the ability to watch commercial-free back-to-back episodes of so many series). Yet, aside from being [...]

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Top 10 things you need to know about home insurance

1.   Renovations may not be covered by your current policy If your insurance company doesn’t know about the renovation, you may not have enough coverage. If you’re doing fairly major renovations, with contractors coming in and out of [...]

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Get ready… pool time is on the way

All it takes is a few beautiful days of sunshine for dreams of summer fun to start creeping into our everyday thoughts.  It may be a little too soon for backyard parties and heating your pool, but it’s [...]

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Boating Season is here! Stay safe with these tips

Boating season is quickly approaching! Here are a few safety tips for you, from our trusty Boat Smart Manual. It’s all good. Boating Tips: The captain should go over where the life jackets are located so that if the captain [...]

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Top 10 Highway Driving Tips

We are all guilty of speeding now and then, but a high percentage of automobile accidents occur on our freeways and high-ways due to the high rates of speed encountered. There are steps you should consider to reduce [...]

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Things to consider when purchasing a home

Buying a home is an exciting time, but can also be stressful and hectic. With all the craziness that is happening around you, it is really easy to overlook things like insurance. Make sure when writing an offer [...]

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Tis’ the season

As the holiday season is upon us, its a good time to remind ourselves to be prepared.  The Healthy Canadians website shares the following tips to ensure we have a festive and safe holiday season. Candles Never leave burning candles unattended. Keep them [...]

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Many BC home owners not insured for Earthquake – Are you prepared?

In light of the recent seismic activity and industry estimations that only 50% of BC homeowners purchase earthquake insurance, we felt it appropriate to pass along some information and advice. Do I need earthquake insurance? Considering that for many their [...]

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Your ‘vacant property’ and our ‘vacant property’ may be totally different things.

Vacant Property takes means different things to different people, but in the world of insurance, it's rather specific. While the definition can take on different meanings, the term vacant in your insurance policy should be taken seriously to [...]

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Top tips for teens behind the wheel

The weather is hot, school is out and now your teenager wants to hit the road – in your car. In 2010, more than 49,000 teens got their first B.C. driver’s licence. Once your teen has passed a knowledge [...]

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Tips for buying or selling a vehicle in B.C.

Selling a Vehicle?  Important information to know: ICBC will not accept any forms that have errors, crossing off, or are altered in any way Complete the ‘Sellers’ section of the transfer form.  Be sure to include the vehicle description, [...]

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Travel Insurance available for purchase direct from our website!

We are very happy to announce that we have partnered with Travel Underwriters to make Travel Medical insurance available for purchase directly from our website.  Your policy can be purchased at any time prior to your departure and [...]

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Data Backup and Recovery

We see it all the time where a client has a fire, water damage, theft or any other conceivable loss that might occur.  The initial thought process of making the claim starts with comfort because the equipment is covered and [...]

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Boat Theft Prevention Tips

Summer is always the time when we see a rise in boat thefts.  Boats can be easy targets for thieves as they are easily portable and most often the security measures we take aren’t good enough.  Maybe you [...]

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Pool Safety

What a great week of weather we’ve had and I know we’ve all gotten a good start to another great summer.  Summer for many means backyards, bbq’s and of course swimming pools.  Way too many people are injured [...]

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Save Money on your insurance – Increase your deductible!

Let’s talk a little bit about saving money.  We know nobody enjoys buying insurance and a hot tip on how to save is always welcomed by our clients.  The tip I’m talking about is in choosing a higher [...]

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The Importance of Consolidating Your Insurance with a Single Broker

Discover the Benefits of Centralizing Your Insurance Policies with One Broker When it comes to insurance, having all your coverage consolidated under one reliable broker offers numerous advantages. At Schill Insurance, we believe in providing you with comprehensive protection [...]

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